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1. Name something a blind person might use – A sword

2. Name a bird with a long neck – Naomi Campbell

3. Name an occupation where you need a torch – A burglar

4. Name a famous brother and sister – Bonnie & Clyde

5. Name something you do in the bathroom – Decorate

6. Name a sign of the zodiac – April

7. Name something that floats in the bath – Water

8. Name something you wear on the beach – A deckchair

9. Name something red – My Cardigan

10. Name a famous royal – Mail

11. Name a number you have to memorise – Seven

12. Name something you might be allergic to – Skiing

13. Name a famous bridge – The bridge over troubled waters

14. Name something a cat does – Goes to the toilet

15. Name a dangerous race – The Arabs

16. Name an animal you might see at the zoo – A dog

17. Name something associated with the police – Pigs

18. Name an item of clothing worn by the Three Musketeers – A horse

19. Name something slippery – A conman

20. Name a part of the body beginning with "N" – Knee